Sign up for the october session opens in:

don't you agree?

Flowers are just a burst of happiness
and a sign of love. 
It is so nice having them around.
 In fact, wouldn't it be nice if it was easy  to have them around all the time?

Flowers are just a burst of happiness and a sign of love. 
It is so nice having them around.
 In fact, wouldn't it be nice if it was easy  to have them around all the time?

Join our community of flower lovers to learn, arrange &  create beauty together. 


"Hydrangeas never last!"

I hear this ALL the time. But the funny thing is that mine last 2+ weeks. Hydrangeas are actually hardy flowers. 

"Flowers STINK after a day."

They shouldn't. If flowers are prepped correctly, they will not smell badly. There is a way to prevent bacteria from growing and causing odors. 

"Flowers are an occasional treat."

Learn how to arrange them yourself and make flowers a part of your everyday living!  

You can make beautiful arrangements. 

Flower shops are going out of business everywhere.
What is killing them? Grocery stores. 
The average consumer can purchase a huge variety of fresh and very well priced blooms - EVERYDAY.
It is crazy. 

The problem is when you go to arrange the flowers. Somehow the arrangements you put together just don't look as good, or last as well as one from a florist. 

Let's change that.

It's time you finally learned what is necessary to elevate your designs.

“Whenever I'm shopping for flowers, which is pretty often, I always keep Gila's tips in mind! Gila explains everything so well and really breaks it down for you.”

— dassy, Course Student


About gila

After a spontaneous Mother's Day bouquet sale, when I was 17, I discovered my passion for floral art. Nestled between flower stems, I discovered the magic that flowers have. I flowered right through the end of high school, and continued while earning my degree in finance at John Carroll University. I realized in my junior year that I'd rather flowers accented with finance, than the other way around... and that's how Cleveland Florist Co. came to be!
Now, after 10 years of servicing events, luxury gifts and residential homes, I created Life Looks Better with Flowers TM to share what I learned with you - world-wide. 

About Me • About Me • About Me •



You may know to cut your flowers on an angle. But why? 
What temperature water? There are things to know.


It can be scary to select flowers if you can't even pronounce their name on the wrapper. We are going to take care of that. 


Ever spend 15 minutes deliberating which flowers to choose? 
Soon you will be assessing the selection and choosing with assurance. 

so let me introduce:

The encompassing hands-on learning experience to take you from just loving flowers to creating professional arrangements at home. 



how to grocery shop for flowers

Watch me grocery shop for flowers. Learn all the things to look out for that indicate freshness, how to select flowers that pair well, how to get the most bang for your money and more. 


how to prep your flowers

Learn how to ready your flowers for arranging through watching me prep the flowers selected in the module above. Learn purchasing time frames and how to properly store your flowers before use.


package in the mail

About a week before class, you will receive a package with a signature vase, seasonal flower inspo card, and any mechanics needed for class. 


live video class with gila

Bring your prepped flowers to class and enjoy arranging along with Gila as she shares floral design and styling techniques that will inspire you to create beautiful arrangements. 

How does this sound?




Use your creativity to create beauty in your life. 


Learn about seasonal flowers. 


Be able to create an sophisticated color story. 


Create professional looking, long-lasting arrangements.


no. 01

Enroll Online

Sign up today for the plan of your choice. Gain immediate access to the video content of the course. 

no. 02


Approximately a week before the live course you will receive your package in the mail. A day before the course, purchase your flowers and prep them so you are ready to arrange them live with me!

no. 03

Create Beauty

Join us for the live class and create a gorgeous, seasonal arrangement! Learn skills and gain inspiration for future arranging. 

from DASSI:

“Not only did I get beautiful flowers, I also gained a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. 

The class was absolutely wonderful! We learned everything from how to select the freshest flowers to flower combination techniques. Then, we got to work arranging! Gila demonstrated a few techniques and then encouraged us to use our imaginations. We made some truly stunning floral arrangements! I don't need to pay another florist again!" 

from DASSI:

“Not only did I get beautiful flowers, I also gained a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. 

The class was absolutely wonderful! We learned everything from how to select the freshest flowers to flower combination techniques. Then, we got to work arranging! Gila demonstrated a few techniques and then encouraged us to use our imaginations. We made some truly stunning floral arrangements! I don't need to pay another florist again!" 

Think of all those flowers that could be perfectly arranged...

so let's get started!

01. flower admirer 

Video: How to Grocery Shop for Flowers

Video: How to Prep Flowers 

Supply Kit & Seasonal Palette Card 

Live Group Arranging Class with Gila & Recording

Best value!

02. flower enthusiast 

Video: How to Grocery Shop for Flowers

Video: How to Prep Flowers 

Supply Kit & Seasonal Palette Card

Live Group Arranging Classes with Gila & Recordings

Access to our Exclusive Floral Community 



you notice when there are pretty flowers and occasionally purchase them yourself 

you love flowers, often purchase them and love having them all around your home

you love flowers, often purchase them and find yourself smiling at the thought of  buying them

you notice when there are pretty flowers and occasionally purchase them yourself 

some arrangements I made using grocery flowers!

4 bunches of flowers 

This gift arrangement was made from grocery flowers. 

 I took Peonies, Tulips, Hydrangea and Spray Roses, with some greens clipped from my backyard and spiraled them to make this gorgeous arrangement. 

go big in your home

Yeah, this large-scale entrance arrangement was too. 

I found some Carnations, two bunches of Roses, Baby's Breath, Euculptus, two bunches of Tulips and transformed them into a grand arrangement.  

$27 & a beautiful bouquet later....

This bouquet was also made from grocery flowers. 

Take a bunch of Roses, Spray Roses, Billy Balls, Double Chamomile and pair with Pittosperum and some greens from your bushes to make a cheerful bouquet. 

"This class has all the right feels-basic floral education, beautiful flower and vase selection & positive spirits"

— malki, Course Student


to start arranging.

Life Looks Better with Flowers TM will give you all the information and tools you need to up your flower game. Now you need to get to work arranging! The more you practice the better you will become and the more natural the process will come to you.

"Fun, informative, you finish with a beautiful arrangement, and the know-how to apply these skills in the future!"

— sandy, Course Student

p.s. - do you have a special someone in your life that finding them a great gift

is just impossible?

She just has everything - or doesn't want anything. But you really  want to show your appreciation, or maybe it's love. Whatever the situation, this course is just the perfect gift. It's a gift that keeps on giving because every time they pick up a bunch of flowers for the rest of their lives, they will think of you.

It's a personal gift- it's thoughtful and oh so classy. Just add a gift message at checkout and we will include a handwritten, personalized note card from our sister brand                      so that your message is not just received, but it is saved and savored

Does this sound good, but you, like me, are super impatient? 

Need a way to start asap?

Don't worry - I got you covered! 
For all of my impatient friends, and this works great for someone who has other commitments and cannot join our live classes as well, we have an evergreen option for you!
You can purchase a pre-recorded "flower admirer" package, which includes a class in which I teach how to arrange flowers in a bright and cheerful color palette. We will start with a gorgeous vase centerpiece (using chicken wire) and will arrange smaller arrangements till there isn't one stem left!  

When I started working with flowers,

the only flowers I had access to were from the grocery.

I experimented and learned floral design using them.
I know what works best for the at home florist. (I mean, I love having flowers all over my home too!)

Now, after almost ten years of doing events, workshops and specialty orders, I am ready to share 

all that you need to know about flowers!

my first order!

The encompassing hands-on learning experience to take you from just loving flowers to creating professional arrangements at home. 


life looks better with fl     wers


01. flower admirer 

Video: How to Grocery Shop for Flowers

Video: How to Prep Flowers 

Supply Kit & Seasonal Palette Card 

Live Group Arranging Class with Gila & Recording

Best value!

02. flower enthusiast 

Video: How to Grocery Shop for Flowers

Video: How to Prep Flowers 

Supply Kit & Seasonal Palette Card

Live Group Arranging Classes with Gila & Recordings

Access to our Exclusive Floral Community 



you notice when there are pretty flowers and occasionally purchase them yourself 

you love flowers, often purchase them and love having them all around your home

you love flowers, often purchase them and find yourself smiling at the thought of  buying them

you notice when there are pretty flowers and occasionally purchase them yourself 

This is for you if:

You enjoy flowers

you are looking for a creative outlet

you want to beautify your life

It's probably not for you if...

You dislike flowers


YOU're okay with drab surroundings 


what comes in my package? are flowers included?

A seasonal flower guide card, branded clippers (only your first package will come with them if you are signing up for a subscription), a seasonal vase and any additional supplies you may need (depending on the style of the seasonal arrangement, i.e. chicken wire, twine, tape etc.). Flowers are NOT included. You will purchase those yourself using the seasonal card and videos for guidance. 

how long can i access the videos for?

If  you choose a subscription package, you will have access to the materials and community as long as you are subscribed. Otherwise you will have access for 6 months. Watch the videos over to refresh yourself as needed. 

what if i have to miss a live class?

Don't worry! All classes will be recorded, and uploaded to your course materials. If you are unable to commit to one of the available times - consider signing up for our pre-recorded option so you can learn whenever it is best for you! 

amazon shop

"can you link that, gila?"

A handy source guide if you need any additional floral products and a selection of my favorite floral reads!

coming soon ▸